So I Bought a Tesla in Australia, Now What?

Flower Guru

So I Bought a Tesla in Australia, Now What? A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Electric Vehicle

Congratulations on your new Tesla! With its cutting-edge technology and sleek design, it's no wonder you decided to invest in one of the most popular electric vehicles on the market. However, if you're new to electric vehicles, you might be wondering what steps you should take next. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your Tesla in Australia.

Install a Home Charging Station

One of the most significant benefits of owning a Tesla is the convenience of charging it at home. With a home charging station, you can ensure that your Tesla is always charged and ready to go when you are. 

Choose a Home Charging Station

Tesla offers its own charging station, the Tesla Wall Connector, which can be purchased through the company's website. The Wall Connector allows you to charge your vehicle at a faster rate than a standard 240V outlet and up to about 7.4kw (32 ampa), and it can be customised to fit the power output of your home. This runs on single phase power therefore will suit most homes, although you can buy the three phase version also. 

*Image source: Tesla

Hire a Licensed Electrician

Before installing the Wall Connector or any other home charging station, you should hire a licensed electrician to assess your home's electrical capacity and install the necessary hardware. The electrician will also need to ensure that the circuit breaker and wiring are up to code.

Understand Charging Times

The charging time for your Tesla will depend on the type of charger you use and the battery's current state of charge. The Wall Connector is the fastest way to charge your vehicle at home, and it can deliver up to 65 kilometres of range per hour. However, it's worth noting that the charging time will still depend on the capacity of the battery, with the Long Range models taking around 11-12 hours for a full charge.

If you choose to use a standard 240-volt outlet, you can expect to add about 46 kilometres of range per hour of charging. However, this charging method is much slower than using a Wall Connector and may take up to 24 hours to fully charge your battery.

In summary, installing a home charging station is a crucial step in getting the most out of your Tesla. With a Wall Connector or other home charging station, you can ensure that your vehicle is always charged and ready to go. And by understanding charging times, you can plan your charging routine around your daily activities and maximise the time you spend on the road.

Download the Tesla App

The Tesla app is an essential tool for managing your vehicle. You can use it to check your vehicle's battery level, set the temperature, lock and unlock the doors, and even locate your vehicle in a parking lot. You can also use the app to plan your route and find Superchargers along the way.

Understand the Charging Network

Tesla's Supercharger network is the fastest and most convenient way to charge your vehicle on long road trips. However, it's important to understand how the network works before you hit the road. You can find Superchargers using the Tesla app, and you'll need to have a credit card on file to use them.

In Australia, there is good 3rd party charging network and Tesla owners can also tap into:

Chargefox is, in our opinion, is the most reliable, and the largest. It's as simple as downloading the App to your device, setting up your profile including adding your credit card, pulling up to a charging stations, finding the station on your phone, finding the stall, plugging in your car, hitting start.

Join the Tesla Community

Tesla has a passionate and active community of owners who love to share their experiences and tips. Joining a local Tesla club or online forum can be a great way to learn more about your vehicle and connect with other owners.

Stay Up-to-Date on Software Updates

Tesla is constantly updating its vehicles with new features and improvements. Make sure you stay up-to-date on these updates by regularly checking your Tesla app or the company's website. You can even set your vehicle to automatically download and install updates when they become available.

Owning a Tesla in Australia can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can ensure that you get the most out of your electric vehicle and enjoy many years of trouble-free driving.

Understand Your Car - Read The Manual

Here is a link to the Tesla Model 3, 2021 manual (PDF). You can also view the manual in your car. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Hit the controls button bottom right of your screen (Australia)
  2. Click the service button
  3. Click owners manual
  4. Scroll through the categories to find what you want

Tesla Feature Highlights

Tesla vehicles come with a range of advanced features that can help you get the most out of your driving experience. Here are a few features you might want to explore:


One of Tesla's most impressive features is Autopilot, which provides semi-autonomous driving capabilities. Autopilot can help with tasks like steering, accelerating, and braking, making long drives less fatiguing. However, it's essential to remember that Autopilot is not a replacement for an attentive driver. You should always remain alert and ready to take control of the vehicle.

Sentry Mode

Sentry Mode is a security feature that uses the vehicle's cameras to monitor the car's surroundings when it's parked. If the car detects a potential threat, it will send an alert to your phone and activate the cameras to record footage of the incident. Sentry Mode can provide peace of mind and deter potential thieves or vandals. Also, with recent updates, while sentry mode is on, you can view all the cameras via the app, and an earl 2023 update will flash the headlights if there is someone close that the car deems as a potential threat.

Dog Mode

Tesla's Dog Mode is a unique and convenient feature that allows pet owners to safely and comfortably leave their furry friends in their vehicle for short periods. This feature is available on all Tesla models and can be activated via the vehicle's touchscreen.

When Dog Mode is turned on, the vehicle's climate control system is set to a comfortable temperature to keep the dog cool or warm depending on the weather. A message is also displayed on the car's touchscreen, letting passersby know that the dog is safe and comfortable inside the vehicle and providing the owner's contact information. This feature can provide peace of mind for pet owners who need to leave their dog in the car for a short period, such as during a quick trip to the store.

In addition to Dog Mode, Tesla also offers a Cabin Overheat Protection feature that keeps the vehicle's interior at a safe temperature even when it's parked in the sun. This feature can prevent the interior from reaching dangerous temperatures that could harm a pet left inside the car.

Tesla's commitment to pet safety doesn't end with these features. In fact, the automaker has partnered with PETA to create the first-ever Vegan Car, which features animal-free interior materials such as synthetic leather seats and steering wheel.

Tesla's Dog Mode and Cabin Overheat Protection are just a few examples of how the automaker is thinking about the safety and comfort of pets as well as their human owners. These features can provide peace of mind for pet owners and make traveling with furry friends more convenient and enjoyable.

One-Pedal Driving

With Tesla's regenerative braking, you can use one pedal to both accelerate and slow down. When you release the accelerator pedal, the vehicle will slow down and capture energy, which is then used to recharge the battery. This feature can help extend your vehicle's range and make driving in stop-and-go traffic less stressful.

Is Range Anxiety Real?

*Image source: The EV Officials

One of the most significant concerns that new electric vehicle owners have is range anxiety. The fear that their vehicle's battery will run out of charge and leave them stranded on the side of the road is a common worry. However, with the ability to charge your Tesla at home every night, range anxiety is more of a myth than a reality.

By installing a home charging station, you can ensure that your Tesla is always fully charged when you start your day. This means that you won't need to worry about finding a charging station while you're out and about. As long as you have enough charge to reach your destination and back home, you're good to go.

The charging time for a Tesla at home will vary depending on the type of charger you use, but as we mentioned earlier, a Wall Connector can deliver up to 64 kilometres of range per hour. This means that you can fully charge your vehicle overnight, even if you've driven a considerable distance during the day.

What Percentage do I Charge My Tesla to?

  1. If you bought a 2022 Tesla Model 3 Standard Range, or any Model Y in Australia as of February 2022 or later the chemistry makeup of your battery means you can charge to 100% as often as you like without any major risk to battery degradation

  2. If you bought any Model S, X, or Model 3 Performance it’s highly advised that on regular charging cycles, like your work/school run type days that you charge to no higher than 90%, but ideally to 80% each night

With a Tesla's impressive range, it's unlikely that you'll ever have to worry about running out of charge during your daily commute or while running errands. And if you plan to take a long road trip, Tesla's Supercharger network provides a fast and convenient way to recharge your battery on the go.

Additionally, Tesla's navigation system includes real-time charging information, so you can see where Superchargers are located and how long it will take to charge your battery at each station. This feature can help alleviate any remaining range anxiety and give you peace of mind while on the road.

If you charge your Tesla at home every night, range anxiety is more of a myth than a reality. With a home charging station and access to Tesla's Supercharger network, you can confidently drive your vehicle without worrying about running out of charge. As electric vehicle technology continues to improve and the infrastructure for charging stations expands, range anxiety will become even less of a concern for Tesla owners.

Tyre Pressure & Impact On Range

Tyre pressure is an important factor that can have a significant impact on the range of an electric vehicle like a Tesla. In fact, maintaining proper tyre pressure can help optimize the performance and efficiency of the vehicle's electric powertrain.

When tyre pressure is too low, the vehicle's range can be reduced due to increased rolling resistance. This means that the electric motor has to work harder to move the vehicle, which can result in a shorter driving range. Additionally, low tyre pressure can lead to uneven wear on the tyre, which can further reduce performance and safety.

On the other hand, overinflated tyre can also have a negative impact on the vehicle's range. When tyre are overinflated, the contact patch of the tyre becomes smaller, which can reduce the amount of grip on the road. This can make the vehicle less stable and more difficult to control, especially in wet or slippery conditions. Overinflated tyre can also cause uneven wear, which can lead to further performance and safety issues.

To optimise the range and efficiency of a Tesla, it's important to maintain proper tyre pressure. Tesla recommends checking tyre pressure regularly and adjusting it as needed to the recommended levels specified in the owner's manual. This will not only help maximise range, but also improve handling and safety.

Tesla recommends a tyre pressure of between 40psi & 45psi, we recommend closer to 40psi or even 39psi (when tyres are cold), this gives you a great balance between comfort and efficiency. 45psi whilst very slightly more efficient generally makes Tesla's (Model 3 & Y) just a little too harsh over bumps. 

With the latest Tesla update (January 2023) you can now find a shortcut to your tyre pressure, trips, and media, in the bottom right of your screen.

Does My Tesla Need To Be Serviced & When?

Yes, like any other vehicle, Tesla vehicles require regular maintenance and service to keep them running safely and smoothly. Although Tesla's electric powertrain requires less maintenance than a traditional gasoline engine, there are still some key areas that need to be serviced to keep your vehicle in top condition.

Tesla recommends regular service intervals, with the first service visit recommended at 20,000 km and then every 40,000 km after that. During a service visit, a Tesla technician will perform a series of checks and maintenance tasks, including:

  1. Checking and adjusting tyre pressure
  2. Rotating tyre 
  3. Inspecting brakes and brake fluid
  4. Checking and replacing cabin air filter
  5. Checking and replacing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter (if equipped)
  6. Checking and replacing wiper blades
  7. Checking and replacing windshield washer fluid
  8. Checking and replacing coolant (if equipped)

In addition to routine maintenance, there may be times when your Tesla requires unscheduled service or repairs. In these cases, Tesla offers a mobile service option, where a technician will come to your location to perform the necessary repairs. In more serious cases, your vehicle may need to be taken to a Tesla service center for repairs.

It's important to note that keeping up with regular maintenance and service can help prevent larger and more costly repairs down the road. It's also worth considering that Tesla vehicles have a reputation for reliability and longevity, and keeping up with maintenance can help extend the life of your vehicle.

How Do I Book a Tesla Service?

You can also book a Tesla service appointment through the Tesla mobile app. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the Tesla app: Open the Tesla app on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Navigate to the service menu: Select the "Service" menu option from the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Select your vehicle: Choose the Tesla vehicle that you want to schedule service for.
  4. Choose a service center: Select the service center that you want to visit, or choose the mobile service option if it's available in your area.
  5. Describe the issue: Provide a description of the issue you're experiencing with your vehicle.
  6. Choose a date and time: Select a date and time that is convenient for you.
  7. Review and confirm: Review the details of your service appointment and confirm the booking.

Once your service appointment is booked, you can view and manage it through the app. You will also receive updates and notifications about your appointment, including reminders about the date and time. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, you can do so through the app as well.

Using the Tesla mobile app to book a service appointment is a convenient and easy way to get your vehicle serviced. Whether you prefer to book through the website or the app, Tesla makes it easy to schedule a service appointment and get the help you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly.


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